Julimar Nth
Russian Jack
Shaw River
Haystack Well
WH South


Tambourah Metals Ltd is exploring advanced gold and lithium in West Australia, recognising their importance in shaping a sustainable future. The company's focus on its flagship Tambourah Gold Project in the Pilbara region highlights its commitment to advancing gold exploration. Additionally, Tambourah MetalsLtd acknowledges the rising demand for lithium, particularly in clean energy solutions. Since listing the Company has extended the portfolio to include additional critical mineral projects in the Pilbara and has completed an earn-in and exploration agreement with major Chilean lithium developer Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile S.A. (SQM) at Julimar Nth. The company is actively engaged in seeking Joint Ventures to rapidly develop their extensive portfolio of Advanced and grass roots projects.


Tambourah Project Map

The Tambourah Project is located 85km southwest of Marble Bar in the East Pilbara district of Western Australia. Gold mining commenced in the 1890s at the Tambourah and Western Shaw mining centres. Total gold production from the Tambourah mining centre is reported as 163.2 kg (5,247 oz) pg.131, TMB Prospectus Aug 12th, 2021.

Tambourah Metals Ltd has continued its program of drilling, mapping and sampling at selected prospective locations within the project area. Heritage, EM surveys programs have been completed. Ongoing exploration includes additional mapping, sampling and drilling.

Tambourah has completed a 2000m RC drill program in Sept 2023 following on from our March 2022 RC drilling program.

  • Tambourah proved the gold prospects extend over 3km strike.
  • The next drill program of 2,500m has been planned at Tambourah Goldfield. 
  • The main focus of the drill program will be to test the depth/strike extensions to the different types of the gold mineralised systems over several historic prospects. 

Tambourah Metals Ltd drill results from Tambourah King confirmed significant results of up to 28g/t Gold including: 

  • 2m @ 18.0g/t Au from 55m (TBRC026) –  Incl 1m @ 20.2 g/t Au from 55 - 56m 
  • 5m @ 6.1 g/t Au from 69m (TBRC026) –  Incl 1m @ 28 g/t Au from 70 – 71m 

New drill targets defined by EM and planning is underway to test at Worlds Fair and Tambourah King in Q3 2024


The Cheela project contains several historic gold prospects. Tambourah plans to conduct RC drill programs at selected targets. Tambourah has completed heritage surveys within the project at priority targets. The Nanjilgardy Fault, includes three gold deposits.

  • Paulsens deposit
  • The Mount Olympus deposit
  • Karlawinda deposit

These gold deposits, both are endowed with >1 Moz (Fielding et al., 2017a, 2019). The Mt Olympus (1.7Moz) is hosted by metasediments of the lower Wyloo Group, and the Paulsens Mine (1.1Moz) is hosted by folded metasediments of the Fortescue Group.  

The Karlawinda Gold Project is the third gold mine located on the Nanjilgardy Fault, established by Capricorn Metals. It is one of Australia’s lowest cost gold producers with a resource of 2.2Moz (ASX February 2024).

The Cheela Gold project covers 70kms of the Mindle shear and the Nanjilgardy Fault. Tambourah will be drilling the first of several gold targets in Q2.

The Cheela Gold project is in the Ashburton district and it covers approximately 70km of the west-north-west trending Nanjilgardy Fault, a major crustal-scale structure associated with the Paulsens’ and Mount Olympus gold deposits.

The North Dingo includes an historic high grade drill intersection of 8m at 8.6g/t Au from 88m (drillhole ARB1222)2.This is included in our drill plan for Q2 at Cheela.

Historic exploration has defined significant gold mineralisation in drilling over a strike distance of approximately 2.5km.

Tambourah has gold targets identified from historic data at Cheela North and the North Dingo prospects.

Significant Drill Intersections

  • 13m @ 5g/t from 88m, including 6m @ 10g/t Au from 90m (ARB1222)
  • 11 m @ 4.17g/t Au from 34m (ACHRC0003)
  • 10m @ 0.52g/t Au from 26m, including 4m @1.37g/t Au from 40m (ARB1013)
  • 15m @ 0.68g/t Au from 20m, including 2m @ 1.83g/t Au from 30m (ACHRC0007)
  • 7m @ 1.17g/t Au from 31m including  2m @ 2.77g/t Au from 35m (ACHRC0006)
  • 12m @ 0.84g/t Au from 88m (EDRC010)
  • 10m @ 0.68g/t Au from 46m, including 3m @ 1.49g/t Au from 47m (ACHRC0015)
Cheela gold project, geology and historic drilling results

Bryah Basin

The Neptune project tenement E52/4320 is part of Tambourah’s Bryah tenement portfolio which includesover 200 sq km of new gold and copper exploration targets. The Bryah Basin is one of the major DeGrussa and Horseshoe Lights VHMS (volcanic-hostedmassive sulphide) copper-gold deposits and numerous Proterozoic gold deposits including Fortnum, Horseshoe andPeak Hill.

E52/4320 includes ~5km of the Narracoota-Karalundi geological contact as interpreted by previous explorers, a regionally importantstratigraphic position for VHMS mineralisation. Historic copper and gold targets at Neptune and Neptune Eastare spatially associated with the interpreted contact position of the Narracoota and Karalundi Fms (Formations), analogous to the interpretedstratigraphic position of the DeGrussa deposit. 

Location Plan showing regional geology and mineral deposits over magnetic image.
Location Plan E52/4320

Julimar Nth

The Julimar Nth project is located 120km north of Perth. Julimar Nth is prospective for hosting Ni-Cu-PGE Gonneville styles of mineralisation within ultramafic rocks of the Julimar Ultramafic Complex.

Tambourah and the Chilean lithium producer Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile S.A. (SQM) (NYSE: SQM) have recently entered into an agreement providing SQM with the rights to earn-in across six of Tambourah’s Julimar Nth projects in Western Australia.

SQM has been granted the right to earn an initial 50% interest (and can earn a maximum of 70%) in all mineral rights at Julimar Nth project by sole funding a minimum of A$1.5m and up to $3m of exploration and development activities.

Julimar Nth tenements on regional geology
Julimar and WH Sth tenements on magnetics

Russian Jack

The Russian Jack Project is located 15km from Nullagine and hosts pegmatites with elevated lithium indicator geochemistry and significant pegmatite swarms within WAMEX and WAROX datasets. Russian Jack covers an area of approx. 600km2 with up to 320km2 potentially hosting L-C-T (Lithium Caesium Tantalum) pegmatites. There are historical workings for tin and tantalum at several locations adjoining Tambourah’s RJ project. Tambourah has commenced a research and development project, collaborating with CSIRO who are applying “Machine Learning” to highlight priority LCT pegmatite targets in the area. Using Tambourah’s remotely sensed spectral and historic data, including radiometric, magnetic and gravity datasets. Tambourah will ground truth priority targets for drilling assessment.

  • Russian Jack is located the in eastern portion of the Archean Pilbara craton, 20 Km South of Nullagine.
  • CSIRO collaboration with Tambourah is ongoing.
  • Applying “Machine Learning” to highlight possible priority LCT pegmatite targets.
  • Research will provide a pathway to access large areas with little or no exploration to date.
  • CSIRO have provided a preliminary draft of priority target areas for sampling and field mapping. Ensuing meetings to discuss Tambourah’s remotely sensed spectral and historic data, including radiometric, magnetic and gravity datasets are progressing.
Russian Jack and Nullgine tenure
Russian Jack hyperspectral overview image

The hyperspectral features may be indicative of the presence of pegmatites.

Shaw River

The Shaw River Project is located 180km southeast of Port Hedland. It is the site of extensive historic tin-tantalum mining, having produced 6,585t of tin and 548t of tantalite concentrates up to 1975. The extensive pegmatites within the project area are thought to be the primary source of tin and tantalum there is no record of previous lithium exploration.

The company has extended sampling beyond the immediate area of historic alluvial workings. 6 samples reported above 500ppm Li2O, to a maximum of 4823ppm.

The western zone at Shaw River has identified multiple pegmatites from a recent drone survey.

  • Drone mapping has identified extensions and additional LCT-pegmatite targets for immediate follow up.
  • Field sampling and mapping of these pegmatites will resume in Q3 2024.
Shaw River pegmatite structures and targets identified from drone mapping.

Haystack Well

TheHaystack Well Project is located in the southwest corner of the Russian Jack project area.
“The TwinWells Alluvial Prospect showed strong extensive stacked swarms pegmatites striking within a southerly direction over 650 metres. Several rock chip samples were collected from the pegmatites for assaying. Samples over the historic Twin Wells alluvial tailings have also been sampled for assaying.”
“Extensivestacked pegmatite swarms over 650m wide and historically mined form Tantalumcontaining Beryl, Corundum and Kunzite (lithium oxide), as found at Tabba TabbaTantalum Deposit Western Pilbara WA.”
The Haystack Well areais located 50km south of Nullagine. Haystack Well sampling expanded the searcharea over abundant pegmatite exposures.

  • 15 samples reported Li2O of greater than500ppm to a maximum of 11045ppm (1.1% Li2O) from a biotitealteration margin adjacent to the pegmatite.
  • Pegmatite samples reported up to 4478ppm Li2Owith elevated Rb, Sn and Ta.
  • Selected samples will now be submitted to CSIROfor analysis using the Hylogger spectral scanner to identify pegmatitemineralogy and pegmatite fertility.
Haystack Well Tenure

WH Sth

The WH Sth project is located 180kms northeast of Perth and is prospective for hosting porphyry style copper-molybdenum-gold mineralisation. The project is located within 5 km of the Caravel Cu-Mo-Au resource.  The southern tenement package is prospective for hosting Ni-Cu-PGE Gonneville styles of mineralisation.  Additionally, WH Sth is prospective for hosting Li and REE mineralisation. The WH Sth project contains regionally significant NW-SE trending structures as well as more localised NE-SW and N-S trending structures, which combined act together to host the regional mineralisation and the priority magnetic targets.

The company has completed a MMT survey within the central section of the project. Conductors were identified in the final MMT data, and first pass soil sampling has identified high copper anomalies. The WH Sth conductors and targets are located within 5 km of the Caravel Resources project in an area that hosts multiple magnetic anomalies. The soils sampling resulted in 650m long x 350m wide, has been identified in the centre of the soil sampling grid over a magnetic target on E70/5796 northeast of Goomalling.

WH Sth on regional magnetics
WH Sth MMT survey area on regional magnetics
© copyright 2023 Tambourah Metals LTD